Ms Excel

Ms Excel

Microsoft Excel is a tool that can be used in virtually all careers and is valuable in both

professional and personal settings. Whether you need to keep track of medications in inventory for a hospital or create a financial plan for your retirement, Excel enables you to do these activities efficiently and accurately. This chapter introduces the fundamental skills necessary to get you started in using Excel. You will find that just a few skills can make you very productive in a short period of time.

As Overview of Microsoft Excel

LE A R N I N G O B J E C T I V E S                                   
Examine the value of using Excel to make decisions.
2.Learn how to start Excel.
3.Become familiar with the Excel workbook.
4.Understand how to navigate worksheets.
5.Examine the Excel Ribbon.
6.Become familiar with the Quick Access Toolbar.
7.Examine the right-click menu options.
8.Become familiar with the commands in the File tab.
9.Learn how to save workbooks.
10.Save workbooks in the Excel 97-2003 file type.
11.Examine the Status Bar.
12.Become familiar with the features in the Excel Help window.

rosoft Office Contains a variety of tools that help people accomplish many personal and professional objectives. Microsoft Excel is perhaps the most versatile and widely used of all the Office applications. No matter which career path you choose, you will likely need to use Excel to accomplish your professional objectives, some of which may occur daily. This chapter provides an overview of the Excel application along with an orientation for accessing the command sand features of an Excel workbook.
Making Decisions with Excel
Follow along file: Not needed for this skill Taking a very simple view, Excel is a tool that allows you to enter quantitative data into an electronic spreadsheet to apply one or many mathematical computations. These computations ultimately convert that quantitative data into information. The information produced in Excel can be used to make decisions in both professional and personal contexts. For example, employees can use Excel to determine how much inventory to buy for a clothing retailer, how much medication to administer to a patient, or how much money to spend to stay within a budget. With respect to personal decisions, you can use Excel to determine how much money you can spend on a house, how much you can spend on car lease payments, or how much you need to save to reach your retirement goals. We will demonstrate how you can use Excel to make these decisions and many more throughout this text. 
 Example of an Excel Worksheet with Embedded Chart
shows a completed Excel worksheet that will be constructed in this chapter. The information shown in this worksheet stop- line sales data for a hypothetical merchandise retail company. The worksheet data can help this retailer determine the number of salespeople needed for each month, how much inventory is needed to satisfy sales, and what types of products should be purchased. Notice that the embedded chart makes it very easy to see which months have the highest unit sales.

          Example of an Excel Worksheet with Embedded Chart

Starting Excel

The following steps will guide you in starting the Excel application. Note that these steps along with"Start Menu"relate to the Windows 7 operating system which is very similar to the
Windows Vista operating system.
1.Click the Start button on the lower left corner of your computer screen.
2.Click the All Programs arrow at the bottom left of the Start menu.
3.Click the Microsoft Office folder on the Start menu.
This will open the list of Microsoft Office applications.
4.Click the Microsoft Excel 2010 option. This will start the Excel application. 


The Excel Workbook
Once Excel is started, a blank workbook will open on your screen. A
workbook is an Excel file that contains one or more
worksheets(sometimes referred to as spread sheets). Excel will assign a file name to
the workbook, such as Book1, Book2, Book3, and so on, depending on how many new workbooks are opened. shows a blank workbook after starting Excel.


Your workbook should already be maximized (or shown at full size) once Excel is started, as shown in Figure "Blank Workbook". However, if your screen looks like Figure "Restored Worksheet"after starting Excel, you should click the Maximize button, as shown in the figure.

Restored Worksheet

Navigating Worksheets

 Data are entered and managed in an Excel worksheet. The
worksheet contains several rectangles called cells for entering numeric and non numeric data. Each cell in an Excel worksheet contains an address,which is defined by a column letter followed by a row number. For example, the cell that is currently activated in "Restored Worksheet" is A1. This would be referred to as cell location A1or cell reference A1. The following steps explain how you can navigate in an Excel worksheet:
1.Place your mouse pointer over cell D5 and left click.
2.Check to make sure column letter D and row number 5 are highlighted in orange,

1. Move the mouse pointer to cell A1.
2.Click and hold the left mouse button and drag the mouse pointer back to cell D5.
3.Release the left mouse button. You should see several cells highlighted, as shown in"Highlighting a Range of Cells"
. This is referred to as a cell range and is documented as follows: A1:D5.Any two cell locations separated by a colon are known as a cell range. The first cell is the top left corner of the range, and the second cell is the lower right corner of the range.

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