YouTube Channel


Introduction Of YouTube

YouTube is a video sharing service where users can watch, like, share, comment and upload their own videos. The video service can be accessed on PCs, laptops, tablets and via mobile phones.

YouTube is a popular video sharing website where registered users can upload and share videos with anyone able to access the site. 

Use Of  YouTube

For many young people, YouTube is used to watch music videos, comedy shows, how to guides, recipes, hacks and more. Teens also use the video-sharing service to follow their favorite bloggers (video blogger), subscribe to other YouTube's and celebrities they are interested in.

Features Of  YouTube 

Here's a quick look at the new YouTube features:

  • Improved Comments. 
  • Subscriber Notifications.
  • New Types of Cards.
  • Easier Access to the Subs Feed. 
  • A Faster, More Useful Creator Studio App.
  • Video Management on the Go.
  • 360-Degree Videos.
  • Better Live Streams.

What is YouTube Channel 
A personal YouTube channel is available to everyone who joins YouTube as a member. The channel serves as the home page for the user's account. ... If you're a YouTube member, you can customize the background and color scheme of your personal channel and control some of the information that appears on it.

How To Create YouTube Channel

1 Go to

2 Click on create a new channel 

3 Input Brand account name. Eg "Heels Boutique" and click on Create. 

5 Click on Upload Video.

Getting Started With Your YouTube Videos

Creating videos may sound intimidating. But it’s actually quite painless to figure out how to use YouTube to market for your business if you follow a few specific guidelines that ensure your videos get found, watched, and compel your viewer to act.

1. Figure Out Your Format

There is no one right format for an effective marketing video. Certain styles work best for certain niches. And some will resonate most with your audience. Check out the list below and give them a try to determine which works best for your business.

Talking head
Screen share (in which you film what you’re doing on a computer screen)
How-to or tutorial
Vlog (video blog)
Product review

If you have a bricks-and-mortar business, you could even upload TV commercial style YouTube videos.

2. Creating Videos
The great thing about YouTube marketing videos is that they don’t have to be expensive to create and “professional.” You could even use your smartphone to film videos.

But make sure you have good lighting, so everything on screen can be seen clearly. Also, make sure that the sound is clear—that’s one reason you might want to buy a microphone at some point.

Consider using a tripod to keep the camera steady too. You can then use come basic video editing software to add titles and edit out the mistakes or switch between different shots.

Videos should be about 3 to 4 minutes long. Often even shorter videos work best, especially those meant to be shared on social media. See what length works for your audience.

3. Keywords

Keywords are related to what your video is about. If you’re selling dog training videos online, some keywords could be “dog training” or “obedience training,” for example. You put those keywords in your video title, the description, and tags.

Having those keywords in place tells the search engine what the content of the video and means when people search for videos like yours, they’ll find them.

You can find “hot” keywords in your niche that get a lot of searches using Google’s Keyword Tool. You can also check out videos from your competitors and use the same keywords as they do.

4. Include Effective Calls to Action

The whole point of your YouTube videos is attract viewers who then take some sort of action that gets them closer to being your customer. Usually you don’t directly sell something in a YouTube. Instead you’re generating leads that you can market to on a continual basis.

In your video description you should include a link to your website, blog, or landing page. You should also tell people what web address to visit at the end of your video. Wherever you send them, be sure you have a way to capture their contact information, like a web address.

Some other calls to action to include are asking them to rate your video, subscribe to your YouTube Channel, and to follow you on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media.

You can also encourage people to post your video on their social media or blog… or even share it directly with friends.

5. Be Social

Remember that YouTube is a social network. That means you should have an active presence. When someone comments on one your videos, chime in to and thank them. If somebody asks a question—answer it.

You should also comment on other people’s videos… you might find that those viewers come to check out your channel.

Another technique is to create playlists of videos on a similar theme or topic. You could include your videos, as well as those of others.

6. Promote Your Videos

You don’t want to wait for people to simply find your videos on YouTube. Tell the world they are there.

Spread the word on your blog, post them on your website, post them to Facebook and LinkedIn, send a link out of Twitter, send an email to your list…

However you contact your prospects and customers, tell them about your YouTube videos.

Now You’re Ready

Start simple. When you start using YouTube marketing for your business it’s a learning process.

As you create more videos, you’ll get better at filming, refine the styles and formats you use, and improve your use of keywords. Don’t forget to get the word about your videos through social media and other methods. And be consistent; upload new videos on a regular basis.

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